The Mask Of The Beast
By Chuck Baldwin
July 30, 2020
I’ll say it straight out: Wearing masks is stupid, senseless, silly, sophomoric and downright servile. There’s not a doctor in the country who doesn’t know that masks are absolutely worthless when it comes to preventing the spread of a virus. And if your doctor is truly stupid enough to believe otherwise, you need to find another doctor—FAST.
There have been extensive randomized controlled trial (RCT) studies, and meta-analysis reviews of RCT studies, which all show that masks and respirators do not work to prevent respiratory influenza-like illnesses, or respiratory illnesses believed to be transmitted by droplets and aerosol particles.
Furthermore, the relevant known physics and biology, which I review, are such that masks and respirators should not work. It would be a paradox if masks and respirators worked, given what we know about viral respiratory diseases: The main transmission path is long-residence-time aerosol particles (< 2.5 μm), which are too fine to be blocked, and the minimum-infective dose is smaller than one aerosol particle.
The present paper about masks illustrates the degree to which governments, the mainstream media, and institutional propagandists can decide to operate in a science vacuum, or select only incomplete science that serves their interests. Such recklessness is also certainly the case with the current global lockdown of over 1 billion people, an unprecedented experiment in medical and political history.
Jacobs, J. L. et al. (2009)
N95-masked health-care workers (HCW) were significantly more likely to experience headaches. Face mask use in HCW was not demonstrated to provide benefit in terms of cold symptoms or getting colds.
Cowling, B. et al. (2010)
None of the studies reviewed showed a benefit from wearing a mask, in either HCW or community members in households (H). See summary Tables 1 and 2 therein.
bin-Reza et al. (2012)
“There were 17 eligible studies. … None of the studies established a conclusive relationship between mask/respirator use and protection against influenza infection.”
Smith, J.D. et al. (2016)
“We identified six clinical studies … . In the meta-analysis of the clinical studies, we found no significant difference between N95 respirators and surgical masks in associated risk of (a) laboratory-confirmed respiratory infection, (b) influenza-like illness, or (c) reported work-place absenteeism.”
Offeddu, V. et al. (2017)
“Self-reported assessment of clinical outcomes was prone to bias. Evidence of a protective effect of masks or respirators against verified respiratory infection (VRI) was not statistically significant.”
Radonovich, L.J. et al. (2019)
“Among 2862 randomized participants, 2371 completed the study and accounted for 5180 HCW-seasons. ... Among outpatient health care personnel, N95 respirators vs medical masks as worn by participants in this trial resulted in no significant difference in the incidence of laboratory-confirmed influenza.”
Long, Y. et al. (2020)
“A total of six RCTs involving 9,171 participants were included. There were no statistically significant differences in preventing laboratory-confirmed influenza, laboratory-confirmed respiratory viral infections, laboratory-confirmed respiratory infection, and influenza-like illness using N95 respirators and surgical masks. Meta-analysis indicated a protective effect of N95 respirators against laboratory-confirmed bacterial colonization (RR = 0.58, 95% CI 0.43-0.78). The use of N95 respirators compared with surgical masks is not associated with a lower risk of laboratory-confirmed influenza.
Conclusion Regarding That Masks Do Not Work
No RCT study with verified outcome shows a benefit for HCW or community members in households to wearing a mask or respirator. There is no such study. There are no exceptions.
Likewise, no study exists that shows a benefit from a broad policy to wear masks in public.
Furthermore, if there were any benefit to wearing a mask, because of the blocking power against droplets and aerosol particles, then there should be more benefit from wearing a respirator (N95) compared to a surgical mask, yet several large meta-analyses, and all the RCT, prove that there is no such relative benefit.
Masks and respirators do not work.
A friend sent me this statistic to help put this so-called pandemic in perspective:
In Flathead County, Montana, where we live, the population is 106,134. The total number of “active cases” (translated: anyone who has tested positive for corona, whether they actually have it or not) is 213. Two people are said to have died from corona.
213 out of 106,134 is .002007.
My friend writes, “So that children can understand this, it means that 99.8 percent of all Flathead County residents are UNAFFECTED by this virus.”
Yet, as with the rest of the country, people all over town are walking around with those stupid masks on. The “home of the brave” is GONE. The spirit of fear has enveloped the entire country. And Christians are among the most fearful of all.
You and I both know that this is a willful, deliberate, purposeful effort by the PTB to scare the American people into accepting tyranny over their lives—and it’s working.
I have said it before and I’ll say it again: I am personally convinced that this hellish plan could not have succeeded had Donald Trump not been in the White House. The plan was totally dependent upon Trump being in the White House. Had a Democrat been president, Christians and conservatives would have never fallen for this façade. But when Donald Trump told America to limit crowds to less than ten, to shut down their businesses and churches and to not go anywhere without wearing a mask, Christians and conservatives folded like a bad poker hand. Their beloved master had spoken.
Trump willingly subjected the entire country to Bill Gates’ and Anthony Fauci’s voodoo science.
Let’s face some hard truth: People such as Gates and Fauci are evil, wicked monsters. They might even be demon possessed. They have absolutely no conscience about the millions of American livelihoods and lives they have destroyed, the hundreds of thousands of people they have killed around the world, the fear and terror they have inflicted in the hearts of millions of people, the numbers of senior citizens who are dying alone and isolated from their loved ones, the numbers of people who are not receiving the medical care they need as hospitals and doctors hunker down and wait for a non-existent tsunami of corona cases or the trillions of dollars of debt this phony pandemic has cost the American taxpayers.
And politicians of both parties, who are full of greed and unbridled personal ambition, are seizing the opportunity that this “pandemic” provides to bring millions of dollars into their own election campaigns and increase the size and scope of the unconstitutional power that they are able to wield against a naively trusting and frightened citizenry.
The one bright spot is the way hundreds of sheriffs across the country have risen up against these tyrannical lockdowns, shutdowns and mask orders.
Sheriff Jimmy Thornton from Sampson County [North Carolina] stated in a Facebook post:
“As Sheriff, it is my sworn duty to enforce laws enacted by our legislature, as well as protect the constitutional rights of all citizens.
It is my belief that Governor Cooper’s executive order mandating face coverings by all citizens in public is not only unconstitutional, but unenforceable. My deputies will NOT enforce an executive order that I feel violates the constitutional liberties of citizens."
Here in Montana, 38 of our 55 sheriffs signed a statement informing the people of this State that a governor’s mask order is not enforceable by law and that they would not use their office to enforce such an order. Sheriffs all over the country are also taking principled stands for Liberty and constitutional government. Good for them. These sheriffs are showing more courage and constitutional acumen than the vast majority of America’s pastors.
From a spiritual perspective, any Christian who cannot see that these lockdowns, shutdowns and mask orders are nothing more than the tyrannical tools of an antichrist beastly system intent on destroying Liberty in this country is unworthy of the name Christian.
Those masks are the first step in a sequence of brandings for the human chattel that Gates and Company see us as. Forced vaccinations, universal contact tracing, implanted data chips, real-time mass surveillance, a global digital financial system, Artificial Intelligence, forced quarantines, computer-manipulated population reduction, ad infinitum, are coming next.
The Brave New World is here.
Bill Gates has a long and sordid history of vaccine corruption in poor countries around the world. And for those who think Donald Trump is some kind of superhero for defunding WHO, one should know that all Trump did was transfer our taxpayer dollars from WHO to the Bill Gates Vaccine Alliance (GAVI).
What we are now witnessing is the Mask of the Beast. And the fact that most Christians seem blind to its reality means the times of great “falling away” (II Thessalonians 2:3) and “strong delusion” (II Thessalonians 2:11) are also descending upon us.
P.S. I strongly urge readers to go to MontanansUnmasked and sign the petition. Please help us rid our State of this infernal mask order. Thank you.
© Chuck Baldwin
The Evangelical Church Is Helping To Create Another Nation Of Sla
vesBy Chuck Baldwin
July 16, 2020
The story is told that soon after the adoption of our U.S. Constitution, a lady approached Benjamin Franklin and asked him, “Sir, what kind of government have you given us?” His reply: “A republic, Madam, if you can keep it.”
Our founders had lived through the tyranny of a monarchy and had fought a long and bloody war for independence. Their foremost desire was to create a form of civil government that would protect the Natural liberties that they had fought so hard to procure. That form of government needed to have multiple layers of Liberty protections built into it. That form of government was a constitutional republic—“a nation of laws, not men.” (John Adams)
Nothing made by man can ever be perfect, but the combined Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights form the most perfect set of founding civil documents in human history.
Checks and balances protecting civil Liberty are engrained throughout the laws of this republic. From the checks and balances of competing branches of the federal government to the laws establishing “free and independent” states to the checks and balances of State and county governments to the independent authority of sheriffs, juries, the voting booth and, as a last resort, an armed civilian populace—each charged with the duty of protecting our Natural and civil rights—our liberties were as protected as any form of government could make them.
But as our founders repeatedly warned, the protections of Liberty built into our constitutional republic depended on the honesty, integrity, commitment and courage of the citizenry to endure “the fatigue of supporting it [freedom].” (Thomas Paine)
Hence, Franklin’s warning: “If you can keep it.”
Today’s Marxists would have us believe that the United States invented slavery and was the worst practitioner of it. That is pure propaganda. Slavery is as old as mankind’s earliest recorded manuscripts.
Along with the inhabitants of two ancient cities, Abram’s nephew, Lot, was taken into slavery. And he would doubtless have remained a slave had Abram not taken his armed private militia and rescued Lot and the rest of those victims—an act that was personally blessed by an Old Testament appearance of Jesus Christ, by the way. (Genesis 14)
Joseph was sold into slavery by his own brothers. The children of Israel were taken into slavery by the Egyptians. Empires throughout the pre-Christian era bought and sold slaves at will.
The Phoenicians, Chaldeans, Assyrians, Babylonians, Canaanites, Moabites, Philistines, Greeks, Romans, Asians, Africans, Vikings and the British Empire ALL practiced slavery—and the victims of this great evil were men and women of ALL races. In fact, slavery was rarely about race; it was almost always about power, wealth and war.
At one point, the city of Athens had 20,000 freemen and 400,000 slaves. By the end of the 1st century B.C. (at the beginning of the Roman Empire), about 40% of Italy’s population were slaves. During the peak of the Roman Empire, 25% of the population of the city of Rome were slaves. A rich man in Rome would typically own at least 500 slaves. The Roman emperor typically owned over 25,000 slaves.
The British Empire bought and sold slaves all over the world. It was not the American colonists that instituted slavery here; it was Great Britain. And don’t forget: The Indians that lived in North America practiced slavery a long time before the first white man ever showed up.
From the earliest days of Colonial America, slavery was opposed by the colonists. But the British global economy depended on the slave trade. Never forget: The British colonies in America (and everywhere else) were subjected to the brute power and will of England.
Blaming the American colonists for slavery is tantamount to future historians blaming each of us for these unconstitutional and barbaric wars of aggression for Israel all over the Middle East—wars that have killed millions of innocent people. There are millions of American citizens (including me) and soldiers (including thousands who have actually fought in these wars) who despise and loathe these wars. But these ghastly wars are fought in our name nonetheless.
In the Old South, less than 1% owned slaves. Both Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson and Robert E. Lee emphatically supported the abolition of slavery. In fact, Lee called slavery “a moral and political evil.” He also said “the best men in the South” opposed it and welcomed its demise. Jackson said he wished to see “the shackles struck from every slave.”
And I will remind you that not a single slave ship flew the Stars and Bars; they flew the Union Jack. I will also remind you that black southerners fought side by side with white southerners in the War of Northern Aggression. (In the North, blacks were conscripted and fought in segregated units.)
To think that Lee and Jackson (and the vast majority of Confederate soldiers) would fight and die to preserve an institution they considered evil and abhorrent—and that they were already working to dismantle—is the height of absurdity. It is equally repugnant to impugn and denigrate the memory of these remarkable Christian gentlemen.
Likewise, to think that Washington and Jefferson and the rest of America’s founders were trying to institutionalize slavery is the height of historical revisionism. No! They were trying to END slavery.
The U.S. Constitution in Article. I. Section. 9. Clause. 1. ended the slave trade in America in 1808. Thomas Jefferson was the president who signed the bill into law doing just that. Lincoln’s War against the South didn’t emancipate a single slave. But the results of his unconscionable war planted the seeds of tyranny and oppression that are still growing today.
It was the principles enshrined in our Declaration of Independence that laid the foundation for the dismantlement of slavery not only in North America but also throughout the Western World.
Of course, in communist countries, Marxist countries and nations with tribal monarchies, slavery is still practiced today. Where are the protests against these countries?
True Christianity is the most powerful force for Liberty in human history. The teachings of Christ and the New Testament emancipate the poor, the prisoner, the weak, the infirmed, the downtrodden, the woman and the slave.
We are all equal at the Cross; and we are all one in Christ.
We who have been fortunate enough to be born in this country or to become lawful citizens of this country from foreign lands have both the blessing of living in a free country and the responsibility of keeping this country free for our children.
We are hearing evangelical pastors, preachers and Christians all over this country twist the Scripture and say to their fellow believers:
1. The Rapture is going to soon deliver us from the coming evil.
The Rapture theory is predicated upon C. I. Scofield’s (1843 - 1921) Israel-based prophecy doctrines. It interprets Daniel's 70-Week prophecy to be in two sections: the first 69 weeks or 483 years, which ran consecutively and concluded with the crucifixion of Christ, and the second section (separated from the first section by thousands of years) consisting of a 7-year “tribulation” (primarily focused on the modern State of Israel) preceding the Second Coming of Christ.
But you needed a false teacher such as Scofield to tell you there was a gap of thousands of years between Daniel’s 69th and 70th weeks. You would have never come to that conclusion by reading the Scriptures alone.
The truth is that the Israel-based interpretation of prophecy is in total error. Prophecy is not Israel-based; it is Jesus based. The Book of Revelation is called “The Revelation of Jesus Christ” not “The Revelation of Israel.”
The last 7 years of Daniel’s prophecy are not future—there are no thousands-of-years gap between the 69th and 70th weeks. That is a Zionist concoction to deceive millions of Christians into supporting the advent of the communist/atheist State of Israel in 1948.
The final “week” (7 years) naturally followed the first 69 “weeks” (483 years), concluding with the conversion of the Gentile Cornelius, which ended the Jewish Church and made all people—Jews and Gentiles—one in the Body of Christ.
1 Thessalonians 4:15 - 17 speaks of Christ’s Second Coming. Not a pre-Second Coming “Rapture.” If Daniel’s 70 weeks are already fulfilled—and they are—then there cannot be a 7-year, Israel-based “tribulation,” and, hence, no “tribulation”-based “Rapture.”
Then, they say:
2. Our duty is to endure persecution and martyrdom, if we aren’t raptured first.
Obviously, IF God’s sovereign will is that we face martyrdom; we must and will endure it. That is, IF we are truly saved and indwelled by the Holy Spirit of God.
However, there are innumerable professing Christians today who are unwilling to simply buck the tide of political correctness that openly attacks our liberties. They are not willing to make the smallest sacrifices to resist what are obvious attacks against our liberties by a beastly antichrist system. Do you really think that these same “Christians” are going to be willing to face martyrdom for Christ? I don’t think so.
The doctrines of Christian Zionism that would have us sit around and wait for an Israel-based “Rapture,” all the while going along with the Machiavellian machinations of would-be tyrants, are, to put it mildly, NOT of God.
Furthermore, the idea of free men in a free country with a 200-year heritage of constitutional protection of Liberty sitting around and preparing for martyrdom is, by itself, ludicrous. No! It’s more than that: It is senseless, scurrilous, sinful and shameful.
As far as I am concerned, the evangelicals who refuse to speak out against the phony COVID-1984 narrative, including the Fauci/Gates/CDC fearmongering, mandatory face masks, social distancing, lockdowns, etc., are enemies of freedom and need to be identified as such.
By the way, this column is predicated upon the message that I delivered to the people of Liberty Fellowship (local and global) last Sunday. In that message, I explain I Corinthians 7:20 – 24, which include these statements:
But if thou mayest be made free, use it rather.
Ye are bought with a price; be not ye the servants of men.
Some of Matthew Henry’s comments on this passage are:
He must not be so the servant of men but that Christ's will must be obeyed, and regarded, more than his master's. He [Christ] has paid a much dearer price for him, and has a much fuller property in him. He [Christ] is to be served and obeyed without limitation or reserve. The servants of Christ should be at the absolute command of no other master besides himself [Christ], should serve no man, any further than is consistent with their duty to him. No man can serve two masters.
Some understand this passage of persons being bought out of slavery by the bounty and charity of fellow-Christians; and read the passage thus, Have you been redeemed out of slavery with a price? Do not again become enslaved; just as before he had advised that, if in slavery they had any prospect of being made free, they should choose it rather.
Our freedom in America was bought by the “blood and toil” (J. Adams) of our Christian forebears. Predicated upon thousands of years of God’s Natural Laws from His Adamic and Noahic covenants to the principles of Liberty given to Abraham and to the children of Israel, not once, but over and over again, to the Liberty principles taught by Christ and the apostles in opposition to the bondage of the Pharisees and an oppressive and brutal Judaic State, America’s Christian forebears purchased our Natural Liberty.
Hear Paul again (paraphrased): “Have you been redeemed out of slavery with a price? Do not again become enslaved.”
Instead of sedating America’s churches with the devilish doctrines of passiveness and fatalism contained in Scofield’s false doctrines of Christian Zionism, pastors should be energizing their churches with the Christian message that the Apostle Paul gave to the Galatian believers:
Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. (Galatians 5:1)
Ye have been called unto liberty. (Galatians 5:13)
We are not called to sit around and wait for a false Israel-based, pre-Tribulation rapture. We are not called to passively surrender our liberties to the forces of tyranny and subjugation and wait for martyrdom. We are called to fight for the Natural liberties that God, through the sacrifice of our courageous Christian forebears, bequeathed to us.
If the Church would stop listening to the lies and deceit of these Christian Zionist false teachers and would get over their preoccupation with false Israel-based prophecies—including comparing Donald Trump to King Cyrus—and understand that Biblical Jerusalem was destroyed 2,000 years ago and start fighting for the Natural liberties bequeathed to us by our courageous forebears, we could do what Benjamin Franklin challenged us to do: keep this free constitutional republic.
As it is, the evangelical Church is helping to create another nation of slaves.
P.S. Here is the archived online version of my message last Sunday entitled Are You Free? Stay Free!
© Chuck Baldwin
The Biggest Global Hoax In History
By Chuck Baldwin
July 9, 2020
I’ll say it straight out: The propaganda about COVID-1984 is the biggest global hoax in history. Corona poses zero threat to 99.9% of the population. Masks are a joke. Social distancing is a joke. Business closures are a joke. Church closures are a joke. Theater closures are a joke. Sporting event cancellations are a joke. All of the corona-based television commercials are a joke. All of the fearmongering by radio disc jockeys and television news broadcasters is a joke. All of the theatrical grandstanding by politicians on Capitol Hill is a joke.
Of course, by joke, I don’t mean funny (it would be funny if it wasn’t so deadly serious). I mean stupid, idiotic, moronic, asinine, senseless, imbecilic, dumb, etc. Then again, what it really shows is the pure evil and wickedness of the people fomenting all of this fear and the crass gullibility and slavish spirit of a sizable percentage of the American population.
The one lesson we have learned from the corona hoax is that virtually everything BIG is in bed with the forces of global tyranny. I’m talking about big business, big media, big medicine, big pharma, big entertainment, big industry, big technology, big politics, big government and big religion. It’s all controlled by the forces of global tyranny.
The corona scare has absolutely nothing to do with health and safety and everything to do with money, politics and power. And almost everybody wants in on the action. And almost no one gives a tinker’s dam about Liberty.
I have already documented in this column how hospitals and medical professionals are being paid to NOT treat people; how they are being paid to keep hospitals empty; how they are being paid to fabricate and exaggerate corona cases and deaths; and how they are being paid to go along with the phony CDC narrative.
Here is Dr. Ron Paul exposing the lies about corona.
But what is most disconcerting (at least to me) is the way pastors and churches grovel before these tyrants. For years, I have tried to warn Christians about the evils of the 501(c)(3) non-profit government churches.
In order to stay on the smiley side of the Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3), churches have sold their spiritual birthright and Bible convictions. They are happy to crawl on the floor and eat the crumbs that fall from the king’s table, like dogs on a chain.
Do you want to know why so many of these government “churches” are STILL closed? I’ll tell you why: They are being paid by the government to stay closed. That’s why.
Megachurches and other religious organizations with ties to vocal supporters of U.S. President Donald Trump were approved for millions of dollars in forgivable loans from a taxpayer-funded pandemic aid bailout, according to long-awaited government data released this week.
Among those approved for loans through the massive government relief program were a Dallas megachurch whose pastor has been an outspoken ally of the president; a Florida church tied to Trump spiritual adviser and "prosperity gospel" leader Paula White; and a Christian-focused nonprofit where Jay Sekulow, the lawyer who defended the president during his impeachment, is chief counsel.
Vice President Mike Pence spoke at a rally last month at the First Baptist Church of Dallas, whose pastor, Robert Jeffress, has been on Trump's evangelical advisory board. The church was approved for a $2-5 million loan, the data showed.
Launched on April 3, the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) allows small businesses, nonprofits and individuals hurt by the pandemic to apply for forgivable government-backed loans. Some say allowing religious institutions to qualify for loan forgiveness highlights a breakdown in the American tradition of a strict separation of church and state.
"The notion of separation of church and state is dead, and the PPP loan program is the evidence of that," said Micah Schwartzman, a professor at the University of Virginia School of Law. "The money is going to fund core activities of many organizations, including religious organizations. That's something we’ve not seen before."
The list of religious organizations approved for about 88,400 small business loans also included Faith and Freedom Coalition Inc in Georgia, which qualified for a $150,000-$350,000 loan. The evangelical group's founder and chairman Ralph Reed praised Trump for his photo-op at a church nearby the White House after authorities hurled tear gas and shot rubber bullets at protesters.
Cross Church of Arkansas, whose pastor emeritus has been a member of Trump's evangelical advisory board, received a $1.8 million loan and will seek loan forgiveness if the requirements are met, a spokesman told Reuters.
The American Center for Law and Justice Inc, a nonprofit founded by televangelist Pat Robertson and also known as Christian Advocates Serving Evangelism Inc., was approved for a $1-2 million loan. Sekulow is listed as chief counsel on the organization's website.
City of Destiny Inc. of Florida, where, White, Trump's spiritual adviser, is listed as an oversight pastor, was approved for a loan of $150,000-$350,000, the data showed. (Source)
Of course, it’s not just conservative Republican-leaning churches that are cashing in on the corona hoax; so are liberal Democrat-leaning congregations. See this report.
Direct taxpayer support for churches (something anathema to America’s Founding Fathers and our U.S. Constitution) started in earnest under the corrupt presidency of George W. Bush and his “Faith-Based” initiatives. Under Donald Trump, these putrid, pernicious, pathetic and perverse programs are in full bloom.
Thomas Jefferson rightly noted, "To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical." Amen!
My tax dollars go to fight foreign wars that I abhor, to foreign governments that I abhor and to left-wing organizations that I abhor. And, likewise, I abhor my tax dollars going to fund the Trump-fawning, Zionist-controlled, statist “ministries” of Paula White, Robert Jeffress, Pat Robertson, Jay Sekulow, Ralph Reed and thousands like them. I don’t ask for any of their tax dollars to support my ministerial work, and I sure don’t appreciate being forced to give my tax dollars to support theirs.
While on the subject of war, I guess you saw that the U.S. Senate just voted to continue the never-ending war in Afghanistan and the global “war on terror” by a vote of 60 to 33, with 7 abstentions. Only 4 Republican senators voted to end the wars. (The Republican Party has been a War Party ever since Abraham Lincoln launched his ungodly and unnecessary war against the South.)
And I’m happy to report that both of our senators from Montana (one a Republican and the other a Democrat) voted to STOP the wars. How did your senators vote?
Furthermore, since I mentioned Zionism, here is a report that you absolutely must read on how the Zionist military/intelligence/surveillance apparatus is partnering with the State of Rhode Island and healthcare providers (with several others soon to follow) in developing and implementing advanced surveillance, tracking and profiling of Americans—all in the name of “protecting” us from corona.
A company tied to Israel’s military signal intelligence unit, Unit 8200, has recently partnered with the state of Rhode Island to use an artificial intelligence-based system developed in tandem with the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) to profile Americans potentially infected and/or “at risk” of being infected with coronavirus, then informing government authorities of their “risk profile.” Once flagged, state health officials can target those individuals as well as their communities for mandatory testing, treatment and/or more restrictive lockdown measures.
The firm, Israel-based Diagnostic Robotics, is poised to announce a series of new such partnerships with several other U.S. states as well as major U.S. hospital systems and healthcare providers in the coming weeks, according to a company spokesperson. The first of these announcements came on June 30 regarding the firm’s new partnership with Mayo Clinic, which will soon implement the Diagnostic Robotics’ “artificial intelligence platform that predicts patients’ hospitalization risk.” They have also been in discussions with Vice President Mike Pence about the platform’s implementation nationwide since April.
Their creeping expansion into the U.S.’ state coronavirus response and that of other countries has been directly facilitated by the organization Start-Up Nation Central, funded by controversial hedge fund manager Paul Singer and directly partnered with an Israeli government-backed intelligence initiative aimed at making the United States dependent on technology developed by the Israeli military or intelligence community as a means of preventing the adoption of policies that support the non-violent Boycott, Divest and Sanctions (BDS) movement at the state and local levels. This initiative also serves the dual purpose of ensuring Israel’s political influence and positioning as the global “cyber power,” an oft-repeated policy goal of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. (Source)
You can bet that this is the precursor for mandatory vaccinations, with which Donald Trump is totally on board. Anyone who believes that Trump will stand in the way of forced vaccinations is delusional.
And if you don’t think vaccinations are dangerous, read this in-depth study that shows vaccinated children have a 470% higher rate of autism than non-vaccinated children.
But you can bet your life that the CDC/Fauci/Gates corona vaccine will be the most dangerous and destructive drug ever injected into the human body by a physician. Only the drugs that are used to murder unborn babies could be categorized as more destructive (and the drugs administered to death row inmates, of course).
As I said, the corona propaganda is the biggest global hoax in history. The totalitarians believe they can use the coronavirus to finally implement their plans of global oppression and control.
There is one positive in all of this: It has produced a great winnowing process. More than anything in my lifetime, this is separating the lifeless chaff of statist slaves from the genuine wheat of Liberty-loving patriots.
Now, we can all clearly see that the great divide is NOT race or political parties or religious denominations or Christians v. secularists or liberals v. conservatives; it is freedomists v. statists.
It’s good to finally get a clear picture of who is standing where.
© Chuck Baldwin
Pastors And Physicians: From Protectors To Predators
By Chuck Baldwin
June 25, 2020
Historically, society has deemed pastors and physicians two of its most sacred callings. Pastors watched over our souls, while physicians watched over our bodies. The duties of each office were both respected and protected in our nation’s most important documents and doctrines. But in about four months, our federal government has turned both professions from that of protector to that of predator.
The so-called coronavirus pandemic has totally changed the spiritual, emotional, psychological, philosophical and medical soul of America. The entire country has turned against itself. No one trusts anyone. Everyone they meet, whether in a grocery store, drug store, restaurant, gas station, department store or even church, is viewed as a threat. Masks, social distancing and home isolation are all considered the “new normal.”
Tens of thousands of pastors are yet today forbidding their congregants from assembling together for worship. And tens of thousands of physicians are still largely out of reach from their patients.
Many physicians have been on vacation for months. Hospitals are still refusing to see patients. Surgeries have been postponed. Cancer victims are not being treated. People with heart disease are not being treated. Gallbladder disease is not being treated. Meanwhile, our hospitals are as EMPTY as our churches.
In fact, physicians and hospitals are being paid by our federal government to NOT treat people. And that same federal government is bribing hospitals and doctors to make an all-out effort to “find” corona cases. They are paid to issue corona tests (which are largely inaccurate); they are paid to identify corona cases, whether they exist or not; they are paid to isolate people as a preventative against corona; they are paid to put people on respirators; ad infinitum; ad nauseam. And we are not talking chicken feed here; we are talking hundreds of millions and even billions of dollars. By the same token, 501(c)(3) government churches are being paid by that same federal government to NOT conduct services.
Almost overnight, two of the most respected callings in the country, pastor and physician, have become nothing more than sniveling servants of the state.
The horror stories that are taking place in nursing homes, retirement facilities and hospitals across America rival the horror stories that came out of Nazi Germany. All over America, tens of thousands of seniors are dying totally ALONE. They endure life-and-death surgeries alone; they are enslaved in their medical wards alone. Their families are forbidden to see them as they suffer and die. Families have no idea of the kind of care (or lack thereof) that their loved ones are receiving.
Think of the despair and suffering these elderly people are experiencing as they are forcefully separated from their loved ones—at the time when they need them most. Think of those with diminished mental acuity who don’t understand why their husbands and wives or their children and grandchildren are not coming to see them.
What is happening to America’s seniors today is CRIMINAL. Families should be suing these heartless, money-grubbing, conscienceless “caregivers” out the ying-yang. Ah, but, the U.S. Congress is in the process of protecting physicians and hospitals who deny medical treatment from being sued, don’t you know.
The act is called the Coronavirus Provider Protection Act (H.R. 7059). In a nutshell, it gives physicians and hospitals (and other caregivers) carte blanche insulation from any attempt by the victims of all of this medical negligence to seek justice.
The federal government is using the coronavirus to turn physicians into predators. All of these stupid socialists who are clamoring for government healthcare are quickly going to find out what America’s veterans have known for a long time: Government healthcare is a monstrous FAILURE that shatters the doctor-patient relationship and turns patients into human guinea pigs and physicians into nameless bureaucrats.
Furthermore, the corona scamdemic is already in the process of creating an Orwellian, Stalinesque Police State in this country.
Dru Kristenev observes:
The overblown response to the WuFlu coronavirus has ushered in another chapter of data collection and regulation that is being used to restrict the rights of citizens, and it’s infected even the most conservative states.
Weaponizing emergency, urgent care and hospital policy was a major step. Entrance into these facilities requires mandatory temperature reading, donning a facemask (proven to be useless against the spread of the disease) before an employee will tend to the visitor.
Recent events have shown that the CDC has pressured doctors and nurses to view every potential patient as a Covid-19 carrier, disregarding the individual’s complaint as superfluous. Personnel are armed with a sketchy list of possible WuFlu symptoms that could describe seasonal allergies to heartburn, and the first thing done by healthcare workers is insist that the patient be tested, which they are still free to refuse. Refusal, however, is close to becoming a black listing. Don’t be surprised when rejecting a test will brand the individual as a danger to society. Dictatorial states like Washington have already implemented contact tracing, where “trained interviewers” knock on doors and take names.
The objective behind pressuring individuals to be tested is to boost case numbers in order to validate the overreaching regulations being implemented by government agencies. Should the individual refuse to be tested? That’s hardly an obstacle. Medical professionals are being directed to report “probable” infections based on the catchall list of symptoms.
It’s become imperative for individuals to arm themselves with the real facts about Covid-19: that the mortality rate is .1% of cases diagnosed; that testing positive is not indicative of resultant illness nor does it require vaccination; that the virus is not that easily spread and that the vast number of false positives and reports of probable cases is far beyond the actual numbers. Dr. Deborah Birx said publicly that the numbers are inflated by approximately 25%.
What is true is that the pandemic is an epidemic of government repression focusing on tracking individuals in their activities (if they tend toward freedom of conservative speech and religious expression) and confine them to living separate, censored lives. This is the only way the progressive agenda can press ahead. Inexcusably, too many republican officials and administrators accept the propaganda, ignoring their constitutional duty and becoming accessories to creeping tyranny.
Recommendation? Refuse testing for the virus. The vast number of false positive results make it of no use. Refuse vaccination when it is finally offered for being ineffective. Vaccines have proven to infect individuals more often than protect them against viruses. Do not relent from speaking out against ineffective, vain regulations being forced upon individuals under the guise of seeking a cure.
The only cure available to a free society is to adamantly maintain our mobility and freedom to conduct business without social limits, gather with friends in public and worship without constraints.
This nation was designed to protect and defend commerce, unrestricted speech and religious pursuits, never to suppress liberty.
And as I said at the very beginning of this nonsense, none of it could happen without the sheepish submission of America’s pastors.
The pastor is rightly characterized as being a shepherd. His duty is to both feed the flock and protect it from wolves. Any pastor who cannot see that these government lockdowns, forced isolations, forced business closings and forced church closings are the work of demonic forces is no shepherd. His sheep should certainly move on to safer pastures.
By surrendering their flocks to the worst kind of Nanny State, pastors have abandoned their role as shepherds and are leading their sheep to the slaughter from the most savage of beasts.
P.S. This is the last call for people to vote for a pro-Constitution, pro-Bill of Rights, pro-Natural Law, pro-Liberty, pro-Second Amendment, anti-government lockdown, anti-forced vaccination and anti-Scofield futurism pastor (Yours Truly) in the current online poll. There are only a few days left to vote. I really need your help. PLEASE VOTE.
Please read my appeal on Facebook, which includes a link to vote.
And while you are voting, I urge readers to also vote for Dr. Annie Bukacek as Best Physician in the online poll. In the middle of the worst lockdowns and shutdowns, Dr. Annie courageously stood in the pulpit at Liberty Fellowship and told the nation the truth about how the CDC was encouraging physicians to inflate and exaggerate corona deaths on death certificates.
You cannot believe the fury that was unleashed against this 30-year primary care physician for her courage. I mean it was VICIOUS. And she never flinched. Dr. Bukacek was voted “Best Family Physician” last year, and she should definitely be given that award again this year.
Please vote for Dr. Annie Bukacek here.
This is also the final call for THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS. This is the giant compilation of America’s greatest historical documents in one volume. It is available nowhere else. We print each June; and this is the last call. If you want a copy of this magnificent collection of America’s great documents, ORDER NOW.
And also remember that we are NOW shipping the Matthew Henry Study Bible. This is the one study Bible that I can recommend, as it is the one study Bible that does NOT promote Christian Zionism.
Written between 1708 – 1710, the Matthew Henry Bible commentaries are yet today the gold standard of Bible commentaries. And I am excited to now be able to offer the Matthew Henry Study Bible to my readers.
Order the Matthew Henry Study Bible at a special introductory price.
© Chuck Baldwin
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